2 Common Exterior Painting Problems

When painting the exterior of your home, it's important to achieve a smooth, even finish. Unfortunately, many homeowners encounter common painting problems that can ruin the appearance of their paint job.

This article discusses some common exterior painting problems and how to fix them. 

Blistering Paint

Many exterior paint problems can occur, and among the most vexing is blistering paint.

Blistering paint occurs when there is a loss of adhesion between the paint and the surface, resulting in raised paint bubbles. In some cases, the blistering may be caused by moisture trapped under the paint film. In other cases, it may result from using paint that is not compatible with the surface material. Whatever the cause, blistering paint can be unsightly.

To repair blistering paint, start by scraping away any loose paint. Next, sand the area to provide a smooth surface for the new paint. If the blistering is severe, you may need to use a primer before painting.

Once the area is ready, apply a new layer of paint using a brush or roller designed for exterior use. If necessary, apply a second coat to ensure even coverage. You can fix blistering paint and restore your home's curb appeal with proper preparation and care.


Efflorescence is a common problem with exterior paint, especially in areas with high humidity or frequent temperature changes. The problem occurs when water seeps through the paint, dissolves minerals in the underlying brick or concrete, and evaporates, leaving a white powdery deposit.

Efflorescence can also occur if the paint is applied to damp surfaces. While efflorescence itself is not harmful, it can damage the paint film and cause the paint to peel. In addition, efflorescence can be difficult to remove once it has formed.

There are a few ways to prevent efflorescence from occurring in the first place. First, make sure that surfaces are clean and dry before painting. Second, use a primer or sealer specifically designed to prevent efflorescence.

Third, apply several coats of paint, rather than just one or two. Finally, ensure that any cracks or holes in surfaces are repaired before painting.

If efflorescence does occur, it can be removed with a stiff brush or pressure washer. Once the deposited salt has been removed, repaint the affected area.

Exterior painting problems can be unsightly and difficult to fix. However, many common problems can be avoided with proper preparation and care. If you encounter a problem, consult a professional exterior painting service for advice on the best way to fix it. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your home's exterior paint job looks its best for years to come.

About Me

Making Your House a Home

I have never been one of those people who is crazy about decorating, but a few years ago I realized that I needed to make my house a home. I started going through all of my belongings and carefully choosing items that meant something to me, and then donating the rest to charity. It was incredible to see the difference that it made in my life, and within a few short months I felt like my home was transforming before my eyes. This blog is all about creating a beautiful space that you will love forever, and knowing how to hang on to that feeling.

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